Week 4 – Motivember 2015

Well would you look at that, I’m still alive! Apologies for disappearing for the last few days. As I previously mentioned I’ve been unwell, and then it seems everything got away from me! In any case we have now come to the end of the final full week of Motivember 2015 and it’s time to…

Feeling Icky

I’m ill today. Not sure what the problem is… It feels like it may be the beginnings of flu but I’m not certain. I really hope it isn’t. In any case I am lacking the energy to write a proper blog post so I am falling back to my old standard of posting a cat…

Week 3 – Motivember 2015

We’ve now reached the final few hours of Motivember’s third week. It’s been a long and tiring one, and I’m kind of glad it’s over. Whilst the week has been productive, it hasn’t exactly been in the manner I was hoping…

Snowball Farms

If you’ve ever wondered where snow comes from, I have the answer for you: snowball farms! Today we walked past a snowball farm on our way to collect our bikes. As the pictures clearly show, snow grows on bushes here in Finland. Dedicated snow farmers cultivate perfect snow that is crisp, white and fluffy. 

A Slippery Slope

We finally took our bikes to get winter tyres today. Pretty good timing really, because the ground has been distinctly snowy today in a not-going-away-until-Spring kind of way. Although of course Sod’s law (or Murphy’s, if you prefer) being what it is, it’ll probably be melted by the time we collect them tomorrow and we’ll have…

A Minute of Your Time

I received a phone call earlier today. I don’t get phone calls often. And actually I don’t make phone calls very often either. I don’t like talking on the phone. For the longest time I would, if my phone rang, get my husband to answer it for me. Anyway.

A Hard Day’s Work

Yesterday may have been an unexpected day off, but that doesn’t change the fact that I am having a very busy week. I’m determinedly (but not entirely successfully) trying to catch up on NaNoWriMo. I’m making sure I keep on top of NaBloPoMo. And I’m working long hours at work.