Finances, Shminances

The end of the month is a trying time. Or the end of the pay cycle, for those people who are living pay-cheque to pay-cheque. Money is running low. It’s time to think about whether you can stretch the washing-up liquid to last until more money is available, whether the milk will last, whether you can…

Don’t Mind Me!

Just a short post today. I found this photo when I was looking for a picture to use for yesterday’s post and I felt I had to share it. I cannot imagine how on earth Lola ever thought that laying like this was a good idea. But then, we all know how awkward she is!

Am I A Writer?

My apologies, but I am going to have to interrupt the regularly scheduled Year of Cats blog streak to talk about a passion of mine. Something I adore. Something I love – writing. You may have noticed that, if you’ve read this blog at all. Although lately you may not have noticed much other than the fact…

Take A Cat Nap

If you couldn’t tell from my post about wanting to be a cat, I sometimes find myself a bit jealous of my feline companions. Especially when I’ve had a long, tiring day. You see, cats can sleep anytime they want. Anywhere they want. They’ve made an art of sleeping. They even have a sleeping style…

Sleep Tight

I have nothing to say today. It’s been a long week, and now it is time for sleeping. Hopefully this picture of Lola from when she was tiny and adorable will help you sleep tonight!

Forts for Cats

We got a new cat fort this month. Or at least, new to us. It came from the in-laws’. We’ve been needing a new one for a while because the old one was falling apart. The top was sagging more and more each time a cat decided to sit or stand or sleep on it.…

Spick and Span

Since Lola deemed this year to be year of the cats you may have noticed a rather feline-centric theme to this blog. However I have had a request that I write something not cat related, and as Lola is currently sleeping she can’t stop me from honouring the request! The request further went on to…