Foster Diaries: Ilona & Friends – Week Four

Ilona and Siiri attempt to mergeWhen I post next week’s Foster Diary I will have to change the name. It can’t be ‘Ilona & Friends’ anymore, because Ilona is no longer here. She has moved on to her brand new home. It’s somehow simultaneously wonderful and terrible.

Okay, okay. It’s a good thing. Yes it is weird not having her around, but we’ve still got four monsters around, and the youngest two are cheeky little devils just like she was!

All three of the kittens actually left the flat together yesterday. They were taken to have vaccines and microchips. We had to get them into their carry baskets to leave, of course, and Sisu was not happy about that. Well really it wasn’t so much the carry baskets as “oh no, the doorbell went! Oh no a person I don’t know! Oh no better run away from everyone and be all hissy and scratchy!”

We did eventually catch him and get him in the basket with his sister. Ilona was in her own one and not particularly happy about it. She kept reaching through the bars and grabbing my leg. It was all a bit of a rush and the moment they had left I started crying. I hadn’t even been able to say goodbye to her properly!

Doors are good platforms for playing.

When Sisu and Siiri were bought back S was lovely and asked the woman if she still had Ilona (she did) and had her bought up so we could say goodbye properly. It was a wonderfully sweet gesture but still not the goodbye I would have liked. I knew we had to hurry because the woman was waiting to take her, we could not let her out of the basket in case she ran off which meant I was unable to cuddle her, and I was in the middle of watching a streamed lecture on-line so I couldn’t really pay attention to sad goodbyes.

And then she was gone.

I’m sure the home she is going to will be lovely. The couple seemed very nice when we met them, and they both had experience with cats. I’m sure they will love her to bits. She is an adorable little cat, and they are very lucky to have her.

Wrestling buddies!

Sisu was grumpy for most of the day. We’re not certain whether it was because he missed his wrestling buddy or because he didn’t approve of having been manhandled into a basket before being given to a stranger and taken to a strange place to be stabbed… Or maybe he was just feeling grotty after the vaccinations. I know the youngest of my English cats was particularly unwell after having his first jabs, so it is possible.

He seems much brighter today though so I don’t think it is anything to worry about.

A sleepy Elvis and an affectionate Siiri

Siiri is still being as sweet as ever. Lola has yet to get used to the little beauty’s affections. Every time Siiri tries to rub against her Lola gets a very affronted look and begins hopping backwards trying to get away from her. She is a daft cat, that one. Really little Siiri can be a bit too loving at times. Even daddy-Elvis gets a bit overwhelmed by it at times; earlier today he was resting on the bed when Siiri jumped up beside him and began rubbing against him and giving love. He licked her in return and she just kept rubbing her face harder against him. The expression on his face was very amusing, but it got to the point that even he could not handle so much love and grabbed hold of her leg with his teeth to try to keep her still… Silly things, all of them!

Lola and Sisu napping together!

Don’t worry, you haven’t gone mad. That really is Lola sharing a basket with Sisu. We’re not entirely sure how it happened… We think that Lola must have been sleeping and he just climbed in without her realising!

I’m not sure how long it will be until these two get a home. We’ve not yet had anyone show interest in them. They need to be homed together, which certainly limits options. Not to mention that, whilst they are both stunning little cats, Sisu is certainly not a sociable kitten. He’s fine with us, but anyone else comes near the flat and he rapidly absconds himself, hissing with as much ferocity as he can muster at anyone who dares to approach him.

Siiri on the other hand is an absolute darling willing to give her love to anyone who will accept it. And even some who won’t. We’re going to have to try and work on making Sisu more confident, but until that point we may have to hope that someone will be willing to adopt them both on Siiri’s credentials alone!


Lady Joyful

4 thoughts on “Foster Diaries: Ilona & Friends – Week Four

  1. Pingback: Not Friends Yet | Katzenworld

  2. Pingback: Foster Diaries Special: All About Sisu & Siiri | The Joyful Soul

  3. Pingback: Foster Diaries: Sisu & Siiri – Week Five | The Joyful Soul

  4. Pingback: NaBloPoMo: Week Four | The Joyful Soul

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