Forts for Cats

We got a new cat fort this month. Or at least, new to us. It came from the in-laws’. We’ve been needing a new one for a while because the old one was falling apart. The top was sagging more and more each time a cat decided to sit or stand or sleep on it.…

Can You Say ‘Fabulous’?

We fostered kittens for a few months a little over a year ago. It was a wonderful experience and something I would definitely like to do again sometime. I’ll admit that the hardest part was saying goodbye to the little monsters, but it was definitely a worthwhile experience.

Not Quite Friendly

Lola and Elvis often don’t get along. Not for lack of trying, at least on Elvis’s side. The problem is that he doesn’t seem to realise how much bigger he is than her, and so can get a little rough when playing. That and Lola doesn’t want to do much more than just tolerate him.…

Fat Cat, Skinny Cat

This is the second time writing this post, because Lola kindly refreshed the page and lost everything I’d written. Thanks Lola! Anyway… Elvis is on a diet. He doesn’t much appreciate being on a diet. He’d far rather eat Lola’s tasty wet food than his boring, low-calorie dry stuff. His preference is made readily apparent…

You Can Come Out Now

Yesterday whilst in the living room on our computers we heard a strange tapping noise coming from the bedroom. I went to investigate, and discovered that Lola was in the small cat tree and Elvis, who was sitting on top, was reaching over and trying to hit her through the entrance of the box. I…

Forever Friends

There have been several occasions over the last few weeks, or possibly months, that I have turned to S and said “Where’s Maisi?” Allow me to reassure you for a moment that I have not developed early onset dementia or any other memory disorder. At least that I know of. There is a perfectly reasonable…

Hide And Seek

I assure you that there is indeed a cat in this picture. It make take a moment to spot her though! Lola is very fond of open cupboards. They are favourite place to race into. Especially if she thinks that she’s not allowed in them. She does the same thing with the pantry, the bathroom, the…