Oops, I Missed A Day!

There’s a lot going on at the moment and I managed to miss yesterday’s blog post. Never mind, I guess. It happens. I’m not counting this post as today’s, so I’ll be back later with that. Unless I forget. Which is entirely possible… In which case, this could be today’s post! Love, Lady Joyful

Where’s The Balance?

Sometimes I feel like I’m either super organised, or super disorganised. Or else so organised that it makes me disorganised. Does that even make sense? For example, I make cards. Frequently. I have several boxes full of cards I have made. I can be very organised with making cards. But then lately it seems like…

Anxiety Is Not Fun

But managing to work through it is pretty rewarding! Admittedly it did delay the process, but it feels good to have completed my goals (even if it’s now way past my bedtime!) I had major anxiety earlier in the evening, mostly about job stuff. I also needed to finish up two videos and a blog post…

And Then I Remembered

…that I need to write a blog post! Saturday nights are kitty sleepover for me as part of my cat sitting duties. I had just got comfortable, with the kitty purring next to me, when I suddenly realised I’d not done this blog post yet. So here I am, quickly blogging on my phone before…

Looks Like I Spoke Too Soon

Did you read yesterday’s post? If you did you’ll be aware that I almost definitely got a job. Well this morning I was told that actually, no job. I’m a bit frustrated, but trying to keep positive. The job is almost-but-not-entirely what I’m looking for, and it seems I’m almost-but-not-entirely who they’re looking for. They’ll…

Good News, Everyone

One of my end of year stresses that knocked me off track with my blogging was losing my job. Or I suppose not exactly losing it so much as finding out that the contract would not be renewed. If you’re not familiar, I’ve been working as a nanny for a few years. The job I…